Menú Real Madrid Clinic


The clinics are the perfect tool to develop the physical, sports and social skills of our students in an international environment. The aim is to introduce children to the values of Real Madrid: leadership, teamwork, effort, solidarity, cooperation and respect.

We want to share our passion for football with you!


Clinics in Las Vegas, Nevada

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Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas Sportspark (Part Training Indoors*)
Jun 2nd - 6th
8:00am - 2:00pm
boys & girls

players & goalkeepers
ages 6 - 17
Only the next 10 registrations
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Only the next 20 registrations
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Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas Sportspark (Part Training Indoors*)
Jun 9th. - 13th
8:00am - 2:00pm
boys & girls

players & goalkeepers
ages 6 - 17
Only the next 20 registrations
Save $50!


Allow players to train under Real Madrid Foundation methodology.


All of our clinics are conducted by coaches of the Real Madrid Foundation.


Train under the real way, RMF training methodology.

Next Clinics

The Real Madrid Foundation Soccer Camps offers the unique and exciting opportunity to experience specialized soccer training, bringing their expert UEFA coaches selected by the Academy of the world’s most successful soccer team to help you improve your soccer skills.

You can enjoy the Real Madrid spirit in any of the 40 cities throughout the country where we will celebrate our clinics.